Dimanche dernier, et je le dis avec plus d'affection que de moquerie, c'est le "défilé du Père Noël" à Beverly, un évènement dans le plus pur style "Small Town America", où tout le comté a défilé. Inventaire à la Prévert : Shériff, pompiers, police, armée, mais aussi club de tunning, danseurs irlandais, franc maçons (loge de l'élan), fanfares de lycées rivaux et leur "Color Guard" (des majorettes), boy scouts, fillettes d'école privée catholique déguisées en anges, équipe de volley lançant des sucres d'orge à la foule en délire, différentes congrégations religieuses, le maire et ses adjoints portant cravates de fêtes, char de macaronis au gratin géantes (oui, oui), lutins du Père Noël, chevaux de trait, concours de chariots de bambins et pour finir en grandes pompes... le Père Noël, plus connu ici sous le nom de Santa Claus.
Last Sunday, I spent my last day in Beverly watching the Santa Parade, a tenderly "Small Town America" event where everyone, from giant mac'n''cheese to vintage firefighter trucks, could march. A fun and heartwarming moment. |
As Damien would say, this car has very clearly been "freedomized". |
Note the skeleton in the passenger seat. |
No Holidays parade would be complete without a delicious Ugly Christmas Sweater... |
... or some very Christmasy ties. |
Still unsure about why this was in the parade... but it sure was fun! |
Beverly's biggest frennemy Salem High School (yep, the one from the witches) marched in order and played excellently. |
Don't they look like a row of tin soldiers from the Nutcracker? Marching bands are really huge in the US, but their uniforms crack me up. I think I'd hate playing flute with my gloves... although they might come in handy when it's cold. |
In France, free massonery is secretive and at the heart of endless conspiracy theories. Here, they just parade when a debonnaire elk as an emblem and kindergartners in their car... |
Hockey coach Chubacka. |
Cutest Christmas tree costumes ever for these adorable boy scouts! |
Someone isn't happy in their tiny red wagon, another quintessential bit of American childhood. |
On est rentré à la maison en admirant les petites maisons á bardeaux pastels de Nouvelle-Angleterre que j'aime tant :
Little Women mailbox!! |
Et puis se fut le temps des adieux.
And then it was time to say goodbye to the S,, Emily and her little sister Nikki (pictured above with the Beverly High School marching band). |
Nikki and the always loyal Charlie. |
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