Pas reçu assez de joujous pour Noël ? Attention les yeux. Ce n'est plus un secret pour personne, je suis ce que l'on appelle parfois solennellement une "collectionneuse de poupées"... c'est à dire que je suis une adulte qui prend encore plaisir à jouer à la poupée. J'aime bien leur coudre des vêtements (voilà, je ne serais jamais que costumière pour les êtres en vinyle de 42 cm), entre autre, et là miracle, il y a une marque de poupées, les American Girl, pour lesquelles des mille et des cents de patrons sont disponibles. Sur ma To Do List figurait donc la visite de leur magasin New-Yorkais, temple de trois étages pour petites filles bourgeoises et adultes restés jeunes dans leur tête. Si comme mon amie Clarissa, vous pensez que toutes les poupées pourraient bien s’appeler Chucky ou Annabelle,et que leur visage est la définition vivante du mot "creepy", passez vite votre chemin !
Mais tout d'abord, un point sur la To Do List en question, qui n'a pas été mise à jour depuis trop longtemps. J'ai donc pu rayer de ma liste :
201) Prendre le métro à New York
210)Voir Time Square
305) Voir les pandas au zoo national de Washington D.C.
601) Acheter une poupée American Girl dans l'un de leur magasins rose géant
603) Acheter un ornement de Noël pour sapin Hallmark
608) Avoir un vrai repas de Thanksgiving traditionnel avec dinde, pain de maïs, patates douces et tout le tralala, avec des gens sympas
611) Voir au moins un concert d'a cappella
I went to American Girl Place while in NYC! Not gonna lie, this was the very first stop on my list. |
And it did not disappoint! A three-floors, pink dolly temple full of wide-mouthed little girls, doting grandmas and bored dads with scrumptious displays. |
I went overboard with pictures, but hey! Except for my Cécile, it was the first time I got to those dolls in real life, after5 years of stalking the internet. That Christmas gown was much prettier in real life than on the website. |
Isabelle is the ballerina Girl of the Year 2014. |
Some outfits look goofy or over the top online, but they are actually pretty cute in real life... and were definite crowd pleasers with the target market. |
I didn't imagine the City Carriage to be this big. |
Matching little girl outfits. |
The tiny musical instruments were so cool (I play the flute myself. I might have caved, but they weren't selling one anymore. My purse isn't complaining.) |
I was even surprised by how put together the generic Meet Outfit was. Much more impressive. |
If I ever get a third doll, so far #61 is on top of my list. Who would resist that hair? Though notice, her accent braid's color doesn't match. |
One outfit that did not impress at all, however, was Isabelle's Metallic dress. It's just tulle draped on a T-shirt. Meh. |
This ensemble was cuter. |
Loved the carolers in the Purchase with Purchase outfit! For $14 I found it super cute. I would have bought it if it had included the shoes, which were basic enough. But my dolls are historical, so I couldn't justify it without them. |
My first and last time seeing "classic" mysteries. My new Kit is not staying canon, so I didn't get one, but I might borrow them from the Boston Public Library. Their Central location's children/teenagers section will re-open, all renovated, in the spring, and I'll be able to indulge. No shame! Studying education really is the most perfect excuse. |
I will never prefer Bitty Baby's face to the sweetest Corolle of my childhood. But even I can admit the light blue eyes/dark hair Bitty was stunning. |
Girls and their moms kept pointing and laughing at the comical way the pets were peaking out from the bag. |
And finally, the BeForever section, aka historical dollies in costumes! Caroline was never on my radar, but of all the historical girls, she impressed me the most. No idea if I'll ever own her, she doesn't fit in my current fluctuating plans, but she is drop dead gorgeous. |
Kaya was sweet, but after seeing so many pictures of her on AGPLaythings, I think I prefered her former Historical self. |
Kit and her world-famous desk. |
The super expensive Car was set. Didn't look so plasticky in person. Little girls were swooning... and parents stirring them away as quick as they could! |
I love her new meet, but that hat is way over the top, isn't it? |
BeForever Addy is definitely a cutie. Love the gingham bow. |
Such a lovely dress! It's a shame it is combined with the tea tray set, making it so expensive. It's out of my reach, but it really is beautiful. |
Antic doll, the huge bonus of the visit! |
Addy and her quilt. Both a lot of pretty details and a "fake" (printed, not really quilted) feeling about it, not sure what to think. Definitely love the scallops. |
Well hello Cécile and Marie-Grace repurposed Chemise and Crinoline! I made my own version of it for €3 of bias trim, satin ribbon, and garden wire a few years ago. |
Addy's School Suit is probably one of the best BeForever new outfits! |
Wee old sewing machine and rag doll! |
Josie looking pretty. Again, much sweeter than in stock photos. |
Rebecca's bed is close enough to my own bed in France. |
Doll-sized sewing machine!!! |
The GOTY display. |
Yep, this dress was everywhere! |
Bitty Twins being adorable. |
Nutcracker!!! |
Attack of the clones :p |
I played a bit with Caroline's Parlor. How could you resist? |
And here's my personal loot! |
Yeah. I'm definitely proud of my inner 8 year old. |
I love your photos! It's so fun to hear of your adventures while you're in America. Thanks for sharing!
RépondreSupprimerKit (and you!!) look so happy! Thank you for sharing all of your gorgeous photos, what a lovely tour of the store.
RépondreSupprimerPaula C.
Thank you ladies, I'm glad you liked it!