Ce semestre, tous les lundis, j'ai passé deux heures et demi avec les élèves du CE2 à la Sixième de l'école élémentaire William H. Lincoln de Brookline éligibles pour un programme d'aide aux devoirs. Au programme : soutien scolaire, aide aux devoirs, animations pendant la récréation et cours d'enrichissement sur différentes formes de littérature.
Si vous avez suivi sur Facebook, vous connaissez déjà les perles de mes petits élèves, depuis le fameux "La Première Guerre Mondiale, c'était pas un truc qui s'est passé en 2011 ?" jusqu'à "Ben non, je joue pas à la corde à sauter à l'école ! C'est une arme tu sais, tu pourrais étrangler quelqu'un avec, c'est trop dangereux."
"I'd rather do my homework under the desk than on it". C., 3rd grade. Every Monday, I spend the afternoon tutoring 3rd to 6th graders at the William H. Lincoln Elementary School in Brookline. I love my kids, whether my mission of the week is helping with multiplications, hearing a recitation on pilgrims, discussing Lois Lowry's The Giver, playing four-square, watching a musical on YouTube or writing with them their very first poems. I keep track of their funniest or most surprising quotes with the hashtag #keeptutoring on Facebook. Whether it's because they think "WWI was some stuff that happened in 2011" or "I'm not allowed to play with a skipping rope because it's too dangerous. Someone might get strangled.", there is always a new motivator about helping them do their best in school and learn about the world around them. |
I have two team members. Here is Melody, working with E., a math genius with penmanship troubles. Many of the children in our program have special needs and IEPS and it is definitely challenging, especially since as volunteer aids, we don't have access to their files.But we do our best with the support the school staff can give us: we are definitely learning as much as the students are here! |
And here are Kristen and G. |
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