mercredi 3 décembre 2014

Roadtrip Thanksgiving (2) : One feast, two jams, three dogs - Rockville, Maryland

Prochaine etape de ce Thanksgiving un peu complique par une alerte a la tempete de neige : Rockville, Maryland, ou la grand-mere d'Emily m'a accueilli avec la meme generosite que le reste de sa (grande) famille. Les S. on plein de traditions tres chouettes pour Thanksgiving, comme un petit boeuf/talent show musical entre plat principal et dessert, ou nous avons donc sorti nos flutes (photos disponibles sur mon mur Facebook), manger indien le lendemain du festin, ou un visionnage obligatoire du Magicien d'Oz, film culte que je n'avais mysterieusement jamais vu apparavant. 

Emily's 8 years old cousin Tegan, his turkey hat, and Kaya.

This dog (one of the three invited, plus one cat, and about 30 humans), was on every chair I was trying to sit on. But she was adorable, especially when fascinated with my pizza on the next day.

The buffet. Loved this. This way you could enjoy everything without stuffing yourself like you have to during a seven courses, five hours long French festive dinner. I'm already bracing myself for Christmas (kidding, I'll love every bit of foie gras, goat cheese, clementines and log cake even if I die of it).

My very delicious plate. Clockwise: green beans and red pepper salad, the most delicious mashed potatoes on earth (courtesy of Grandma S. - the dish was giant but all was taken when I went for seconds of it exclusively. I can't blame anyone for this), smoked turkey, turkey, homemade mac n cheese, sweet potatoes casserole, non-vegetarian stuffing.

After a musical talent show break, it was time for pies, and they were all decked out on the longest table I have ever seen.

What I learned : I may not like pumpkin pie, but pecan pie is to die for. Cheesecake with apples is just as delicious as traditional cheesecake. American whipped cream 9the homemade kind) is not at all like Chantilly cream, as it's not vanilla-flavoured or sweetened. Also, apparently, it is correct to have whipped cream with pecan pie, but not blueberry pie.

Another family tradition involved watching the Wizard of Oz. I had read the book, but I had mysteriously avoided seeing it till now. I sat on a deliciously American rocking chair because Kaya was still taking furniture space. Which I secretly loved, because, really, what is cooler than a rocking chair? It's like the adult, convenient version of your childhood garden swing-set. So I let the dog and Emily rejoice from the death of the Wicked Witch from the sofa. Ding dong !

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