Despite a heavy study load, I still found the time to enjoy a beautiful Indian Summer Sunday in Boston Common, the infamous park that is also the starting point of the Freedom Trail. Trees are starting to gain gorgeous colours and people were having fun all around. |
Dimanche, ma to-do liste de devoirs et textes à lire (graduate level readings, je vous aime) semblant infinie, j'ai du annulé des plans de visites d'aquariums et autres salutations aux baleines... Mais il faisait tellement beau que j'ai quand même trainé mon amie Daphne pour une balade/séance photo d'une heure dans le parc de Boston Common. Point de de départ de la fameuse Freedom Trail, ce parc a servi depuis sa création en 1630 aussi bien de terrain de pâture collectif pour moutons, que lieu de pendaison et de bals populaires... Petite promenade ensoleillée sous les arbres roussissants...
Quidditch anyone? |
Daphne taught me how to use the "panorama" feature on my camera, just in time to immortalize this music kiosk where wanna-be Bavarian in fokloric costumes were playing the guitare. |
Dismantled benches try to pass as contemporary urban art. |
Daphne poses next to the relics of a real World War I bomb, sensibly positioned near the Civil War Memorial. |
Civil War memorial honoring fallen Union soldiers and rejoicing in the preserved unity of the country, as well as in the abolition of slavery. |
This seaman reminds us that Civil War battles were also fought at sea. |
"Let's take a selfie to prove the other pictures were not taken by a robot." |
Father and son duo practicing American football in front of a carousel. |
I love the contrast between the timeless quality of the park and the modern buildings peeking out behind the trees. |
Remembering the foundation of Boston by the Puritans. |
Detail. As she is the only child depicted her, I wonder if the little girl symbolizes anything particular. I have to admit we enjoyed the walk without giving as much attention to historical details as we should have done, but this will be for another time. |
Just a random, cute, hyperactive dog. I had to take a picture because it reminded me of my aunt's dog, Gauvain, when he was just a puppy. |
Playing with dead leaves is one of the best parts of autumn! |
Observing playgrounds is strating to become a serious hobby of mine. I now do most of my readings on "play and the development of children" in our neighbourhood's playground, because it's just too cool to learn about a concept and watch as kids from all background simply give you a real life demonstration. Also, children's uncensored laughter is the best background noise. |
Because squirrels will always be my favourite animals. Remind me of the awesome days of "classe verte" in first grade. Except I now get to see them bury their food for real! |
First red tree in the park. He's a bit alone right now, but it's okay. I'm guessing the whole area will become fiery red by mid october. |
Dear squirrel, I forgive you for not having the ability to become red, too. |
The Massachusetts State House on Beacon Hill. "But that tree though, why is it so in the middle?" |
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