jeudi 11 septembre 2014

Mooncakes !

Mardi soir, je suis allée à Chinatown avec Lorin et Daphne, qui voulaient absolument trouver des "mooncakes", des petits gâteaux fourrés aux jaune d'oeuf dur qu'elles savourent respectivement à Singapour et Hong Kong pour la fête de la mi-automne. Voici jusque quelques photos prises durant la sortie :

I took random pictures of funny, cute or simply interesting things on my way to Chinatown, were me and my friends hunted down "mooncakes", a traditional treat for the Mid-Autumn Festival. Weirdest high school name ever...

An ad seen in the T that I find very clever.

I'll never have enough of squirrels! This one was playing with four other friends in Boston Common, for the great delight of children.

Pretty view on Comm. Ave. from the second floor of the Warren Tower, where we had dinner afterward.

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