Avant dernier épisode de mon escapade à Providence : un stop à l'Athenaeum, la bibliothèque municipale datant du XIXème siècle, un endroit absolument adorable où j'aurais aimé passer la journée. On dit qu'elle est hantée par le fantôme d'Edgar Allan Poe, qui y aurait été rejeté par sa riche fiancée sous prétexte qu'il buvait trop. Quant à moi, je me suis contentée de suivre le Corbeau pointant de son bec les étapes de la visite guidée et de discuter un peu avec une sympathique bibliothécaire jeunesse.
Isn't the Athenaeum the most adorable public library ever? I wish I had had time to read in the lovely alcoves on the mezzanine. |
Yup, you can still acces all the carts indexing books before the system was computerized... |
I had to take a picture of the clever architecture of the children's corner. Benches/shelves create a secluded enclose full of plush animals. I didn't see the ghost of Edgar Allan Poe, but I definitely chatted with a very nice librarian. |
The Washington Reading Room. |
One of my favorite places to visit in the city. The fountain works sometimes and when I volunteered at Brown's special collections library up the hill, I used to pop in and read a little bit before heading up to work. It's one of the oldest subscription libraries in the country. The early membership lists read like a who's who of Providence. The original collection, minus books that were checked out, burned but the wealthy men got up the money to buy more books. Still haven't seen Poe but the whole street is said to be haunted!