Près d'un mois après être partie en week-end, voici les dernières photos de New-York. Donc il faut nous imaginer tous les trois, après des heures au Met, puis pas mal de temps à s'attendre dans le froid pour traverser Central Park d'ouest en est et rechercher un restaurant, nous avions FAIM. Nousavons donc inventer le "dunch", dîner-déjeuner.
When we left Central Park after visiting the Met, we were super hungry. At 5:30 pm, we finally some place to lunch, and one of myfriend had an "ice-cream/soda" thing. That was just plain weird, like a sorta fizzy milk-shake. Weird! |
As for myself, I finally got ma salmon bagel in New-York. |
And Maylis tried a "pizza hamburger", also an interesting invention. |
And finally... we found cheesecake!!! Somebody apparently actively started sharing it before that picture was even taken. And with that my friends, we're done with posts about New-York!! |
203. Goûter un bagel au saumon
209. Goûter du cheesecake new-yorkais
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