mardi 13 janvier 2015

A New-York Christmas (11) : 6pm lunch, or Three Spoons and One Cheesecake

Près d'un mois après être partie en week-end, voici les dernières photos de New-York. Donc il faut nous imaginer tous les trois, après des heures au Met, puis pas mal de temps à s'attendre dans le froid pour traverser Central Park d'ouest en est et rechercher un restaurant, nous avions FAIM. Nousavons donc inventer le "dunch", dîner-déjeuner.

When we left Central Park after visiting the Met, we were super hungry. At 5:30 pm, we finally some place to lunch, and one of myfriend had an "ice-cream/soda" thing. That was just plain weird, like a sorta fizzy milk-shake. Weird!

As for myself, I finally got ma salmon bagel in New-York.

And Maylis tried a "pizza hamburger", also an interesting invention.

And finally... we found cheesecake!!! Somebody apparently actively started sharing it before that picture was even taken.
And with that my friends, we're done with posts about New-York!!
To Do List:

203. Goûter un bagel au saumon
209. Goûter du cheesecake new-yorkais

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