J'ai eu la chance et le plaisir de passer Columbus
Week-End avec mon amie Ariane, l'une de mes plus proches amis a Sciences
Po Reims. Nous ne nous etions pas vues depuis mai, et ca a ete
merveilleux de se retrouver un continent plus loin. Elle m'a non
seulement accueillie avec generosite dans sa dorm room, mais elle m'a
guide tout au long du week-end, organisant tout pour que je puisse en
voir le plus possible, de la fameuse Maison Blanche jusqu'aux merveilles
dont j'ignorais jusque la l'existence. Grace a elle, j'ai passe le plus riche et merveilleux des week-ends. Tellement riche que je pense le decouper en huit blog posts, histoire de trier un peu toutes ces photos. Alors, accrochez vous !
Quand on m'a demande ce que je voulais absolument voir a Washington, la reponse est sortie toute seule : la Maison Blanche. Mais Washington, c'est aussi des tas de ministeres, la Court Supreme de Justice, le Senat et la Chambre des Representants reunis au Capitol et des dizaines d'ambassades... Une grande majorite de ces batiments sont en forme de temples grecs, histoire de bien affirmer que les Etats Unis sont une democratie. Je crois aue meme a Athenes, il n'y a jamais eu autant de batiments blancs a colonnes. Tout est bien organise autour du Mall, cette grande promenade avec immense fontaine/bassin a la Versailles et un sense inoui des perspectives.
Ariane is one of my best friends from college and she is currently an exchange student in Georgetown. I used Columbus Week-End to visit her in Washington D.C. and she planned the most perfect 2 days and a half for me. |
Ariane is interning at the Capitol, so even though you could not visit it during a holiday, she explained its history to me. |
The White House is obviously the first thing every tourist in the world wants to see in D.C. I'm still bummed you can't visit it anymore. With the recent security breaches, you couldn't even access the closest sidewalk so the view wasn't great. But still, I've seen it! |
Hello there Maréchal de La Fayette! |
Banks are everywhere, but it was to be expected in a city concentrated so many powers. |
This is the facade of the Washington Hotel, next to the Ministry of Agriculture. They twisted the Grecian theme by imitating pottery instead putting white columns everywhere. Ariane and I had to laugh... and admire it! |
Okay, so this picture is purely to indulge the "Scandal" fan in me, because the hero of this TV-show, Olivia Pope, is often seen going through such little checkpoints when accessing the White House. The ShondaFan in me feels very very satisfied to have seen all those places for real. I'm never watching my show in the same way again. |
Ministry of Industry, it I remember correctly. Remembers me very much the big soviet buildings in Prague with the same kind of idealistic workers on buildings' tympanis. |
Squirrel spotting!!! D.C. seems to even have black ones, but I wasn't fast enough to catch a pic. |
D'un point de vue "bucket list", ce week-end a été très réussi :
- Passer devant la Maison Blanche (et prier pour qu'on
puisse de nouveau la visiter d'ici à ce que j'y passe) [hum, nope, le 11 octobre 2014]
- Voir le Capitol [11/10/14]
Before the Oklahoma City Bombing in 1995, you could get really close to the White House. It's a bummer they don't even let you on the sidewalk anymore. Last time I was in the neighborhood, I was hoping to get a look at the First Dogs Barney and Miss Beazley Bush. After 9/11 security got even more tight and you had to go through security just to get inside the museums and the sports arena.