The English Village at Plimoth Plantation, without a single detail our of 1627, and a wonderful view on theAtlantic ocean. |
Suite de ma visite à Plimoth Plantation, qui reproduisait cette fois-ci le village des colons britanniques ayant débarqué du May Flower tel qu'il se trouvait durant la première moitié du XVIIème siècle. Une très belle visite, avec les maisons ouvertes permettant de visiter les habitations, et les habitants en costumes prêts à se taper la discuter version 1627.
"May I take a picture?" "Oh, with the wee painting box around yer neck? Sure sure, seems like a strange custom of your sorts." |
"Ah Mamzelle, vous êtes française ? C'est comme mon grand papa, un huguenot qu'il était, avant qu'on aille en Hollande et d'la en Amérique !"
"So you're French? My grandfather was French too, Huguenot and all, before we moved to Holland and then here in America." |
"The French? Aye, State pirates the lot of them,stole the cargo from His Majesty's ship and now we'll have to sue them in the colonies to recover our merchandise." |
Doll sized silver spoons. |
And made with horn, too. |
Many-handled mug. |
Your pictures are amazing! I would love permission to print them for Susanna. Every time I've been the village is full of tourists. I didn't know there were Huguenot descendants in Plymoth Colony. I'll have to look them up. Most went to New York and New Jersey. I need to go to Plimoth Plantation with Susanna, find her ancestor whoever that is and my great, etc. grandparents Elizabeth Tilley and John Howland. Talking to the Pilgrims is always fun. I love the way they speak and the attention to detail in everything they do. Those homes are very fancy. One of the women told me the bed was for her husband and his oldest son! She and the children slept on pallets on the floor. I love the animals. Susanna needs Garnet for her Pilgrim collection but not at full price. She has a poppet (doll), a 3 handled cup and her outfit. She borrows from her friends Felicity, Kirsten and that girl Josefina she met once.
RépondreSupprimerAbsolutely, feel free to print anything you want for your girls! I was very fortunate the day I went, the weather was beautiful and there were very few people. I took most of the pictures around closing time, so the sun had this warmer "end of the day" glow and most people were gone already. Avoiding the over-excited children was a bit ofa challenge, but I pointed a craddle to the little girls and that kept them in a corner long enough. Talking to the reenactors was definitely awesome!
RépondreSupprimerSusanna is spoiled, but always tastefully so ;)