mardi 26 mai 2015

Nouga-York (2) : Lady Liberty (at Battery Park)

My friend Marisa knew I wanted to see the Statue of Liberty (which tourist wouldn't?) and took me for a picnic in Battery Park, where we got to enjoy the magnificent view.

Lors de mon deuxième jour à New-York, mon amie Marisa m'a fait une belle surprise, m'emmenant  pique-niquer à Battery Park, là où embarquent les ferries quotidiens pour Staten Island et où la vue donne sur ... Ellis Island, et la Statue de la Liberté. Certes, elle reste loin, mais entre le temps superbe et le zoom de mon appareil photo, j'ai quand même pu admirer le paysage facilement.

Dioramas inside the fort-turned-aquarium-turned-museum showed us how Man conquered the coast.

Immigrants monument.

Vue sur Ellis Island, l'île qui gagna sa célébrité au début du 20ème siècle quand elle servit de centre de triage pour les millions d'immigrants arrivant aux Etats-Unis :

Et de l'autre côté, une vue surl'Etat du New Jersey, beaucoup plus proche que je ne l'avais imaginé :

And here's New Jersey! It's silly but I had never realized how close it was from New-York.

Battery Park, where we had our picnic.

To Do List:

204. Voir la Statue de la Liberté

2 commentaires:

  1. Battery Park is a great place to picnic and view the sites in New York harbor. I learned that from Rebecca's stories. I took Anita and Antonio to Ellis Island with my dad. We looked for his grandfather's name on the graffiti on the walls but there were too many scribbles to tell. I edited the pictures to make the skyline look like c. 1907 New York. Ellis Island needed minimal editing.

    Susanna here... I went with my friend Beckie to have a picnic in Battery Park. She time traveled all the way from 1914. The park has changed quite a bit since her day. I liked splashing in the water fountain that comes out of the ground. All the kids were doing it so my guardian said I could too as long as I didn't fall on my face. Then we went shopping with Inky, her bff Violet and some other girls.

  2. I didn't even know of Battery Park's existence before my friend took me there, but I'm so glad she did. I didn't get to visit Ellis Island, but hey, one more reason to come back some day!

    Susanna, it's so nice you got to meet your friends in such a charming place! Water fountains are the best, if you have shoes you can easily take off! I bet you all had a wonderful day.
