vendredi 3 avril 2015

Back to Back Bay - Sunday Brunch

Dimanche dernier, j'ai eu le plaisir un peu inattendu de retrouver Katie, qui fut ma professeur d'anglais/coach es TOEFL & lettres de motivations sur le campus de Reims, autour d'un délicieux brunch, puisqu'elle a déménagé à Boston. Une coïncidence aussi heureuse que chocolatée !

Last Sunday, I was reunited with Katie, who used to teach me English back in France when I was a college freshman. She now moved to Boston and it was fun to see her again and catch up around a very chocolate-y brunch. The sun was finally showing,  I had a new dress on, she as smiley and friendly as ever, and this made  for a great Sunday.

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