While in Philly, Fiona and I got to visit the Friends Meeting House. We had both studied Quakers during History/Culture college classes and were eager to learn more from primarysources, right here in their home state. It was worth it, as the meeting house had a ell made exhibit aboutthe history and cultural practices of this religious movement, as well as very welcoming members to give us a personalized tour and answer all our questions. |
La Pennsylvanie ayant été fondée par des Quakers à la recherche de la liberté de conscience, ne pas creuser un peu le sujet durant notre journée historique aurait été stupide. J'avais déjà appris un peu sur le sujet grâce au merveilleux cours du professeur Van Ruymbeck l'année dernière, faisant une présentation sur l'influence politique des Quakers aux Barbades et en Pennsylvanie avant 1830.
Fiona et moi avons donc visité la Friends Meeting House, l'un des deux lieux de culte historiques du quartier ouvert au public. Bien nous en a pris : destiné à informer le public, l'endroit accueillaitune charmante exposition permanente avec dioramas retraçant la fondation de Philadelphie et de nombreux objets illustrant le mode de vie volontairement simple des Amis. Nous avons aussi eu droit à une visite guidée avec une guide très accueillante répondant à toutes nos questions. Bref, le gros lot pour des personnes innéressées par lesujet comme nous.

First squirrel spotting of the second semester. I guess they hide from the heavy snow in Boston. |
Hi, gorgeous eye candy straight from Tracy Chevalier's! |
I could admire the hand quilting for ever. Wish mine was so regular and tiny! |
Costumes? I could I not enjoy the visit? |
Oh that rushing. Gathering all this by hand must have been painful,but the result is so worth it. |
The exhibit featured several dioramas recalling the foudnation of Pennsylvania. |
According to our guide, who gave us an interesting tour in this worship room, George Fox was "some hippy with a shaggy moustache and leather breeches" and yet remain the man at the origin of the whole Quaker movement. Loved hearing about the Society of Friends from a member clearly involved and very spontaneous. She did her best to answer all our questions (Slave owners in the Barbados? Current Meetings in Australia? Feminism?), and we really appreciated it. |
To Do List:404. En apprendre plus sur les Quakers et visiter un lieu de culte
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