Dimanche 23 novembre, je passais ma journée à tristement écrire mon essai sur les mineurs handicapés américains en prison quand mon amie Maylis m'a proposé de l'accompagner à la messe catholique de Marsh Chapel. J'avais clairement besoin d'une pause et d'un peu d'espérance vu mon sujet de recherche, et puis j'avais envie de visiter Marsh donc j'ai accepté avec plaisir. Après quoi, nous sommes allées nous régaler de nourritures nettement moins spirituelles à Bertucci's. Et là, un petit (grand) bonheur nous attendait : du pain, du vrai pain à la francaise, rappelant notre baguette adorée... Je laisse les images parler d'elles meme.
BREAD!! This is the closest thing from a real baguette, aka real bread, we have had in the first time for three months. Needless to say, Maylis and I were overexcited when the unexpected but oh so welcome appetizer arrived. Bread, bread, bread, oh love, how did I survived withotu you for so long? There are many untrue clichés about French people. Our religious devotion to everyday baguette is, however, very real. I miss my neighbourhood bakery so bad. And the fact that I could rank 7 different neighbourhood bakeries in my previosu time as to who made the best almond croissants. Starbucks is a soulless thing in contrast. Bread is such a normal, everyday thing, an integral part to our lifestyle and diet, I really can´t believe I've survived three months without it. I miss it so much. This restaurant outing happened exactly a week ago as I'm typing and I'm still salivating over this simple and delicious staple. |
OMG Bertucci rolls are to-die-for! Now I know why you miss baguettes. I miss Bertuccis. We used to go there a lot when we were kids. We loved to watch the wood fired oven. I was so sad when they went out of business.