mercredi 4 mars 2015

Philadelphia (12): Florilège et Cheese Steack

One of the two murals I actually managed to see...
 Suite et fin de Philly, c'est promis. Juste quelques petites choses qui ont arrêté mon regard dans la rue... et de la nourriture pour faire peur à Maman.

Very 1960s diner recommanded by the Gudie du Routard became our cantine for big breakfasts that allow you to skip lunch and do more visits. Go to Mrs. K. people. There is just nothing better than bacon and pancakes.

"Booted", a local variation on Boston's "towed".

It was 4pm, we were STARVING. Seemed as good a time as any other to actually try the Philadelphia Cheesesteack. The foodtruck one we had on our last day was actually way better, but this one was still nice... and served in a warm place.

"Old City fries" were a curious and gooey mix.

To Do List: 
400. Regarder les peintures murales un peu partout en ville (un peu raté, vu qu'ils ont déménagé leur office du tourisme sans indiquer où, et qu'une balade par -20°C n'était pas ma meilleure idée. Mais on en a vu deux, et lu l'enthousiaste Guide du Routard sur le sujet, donc on va dire que ça compte).
405. Goûter un Philadelphia Cheese Steack

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