jeudi 23 octobre 2014

Washington D.C. (5) : Au jardin botanique

La visite au jardin botanique était totalement inattendue, puisque pour être honnête, j'ignorais son existence. Mais puisqu'il s'était mis à faire trop moche pour que l'on puisse aller s'extasier devant des bébés pandas, Ariane m'a emmenée me réfugier dans des serres tropicales ! 

Since it was too rainy to visit baby pandas at the zoo, we made a surprise visit to the Botanical Garden. I had no idea it existed, but it was so close to the memorials it would have been a shame to miss it. This picture in particular reminds me of one of my favourite spots in Boston, the Isabella Gardner Museum.

1 commentaire:

  1. I've never been there but the National Arboretum is my dad's favorite place to visit in DC. I think we all got dragged there once. I spent all my time studying, sleeping, reading at Border, then working at the zoo. I didn't get downtown much. It's too expensive to get there from the northwest section where I lived.
